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[pics & vid] Quick Tech – Change that Differential Oil! [pics & vid] Quick Tech – Change that Differential Oil!
Other than typically being a messy job, changing the oil in your differentials is really pretty simple. While axles vary in configuration, most share... [pics & vid] Quick Tech – Change that Differential Oil!

Other than typically being a messy job, changing the oil in your differentials is really pretty simple.

While axles vary in configuration, most share the same basic traits: a number of bolts securing a cover and a drain and/or fill plug. If we were talking about a Ford 9″ housing (or a number of other custom housings) this would be different as the 9″ has a removable 3rd member instead of a “diff cover”.

In this example, we are changing the gear oil in a Teraflex front 60. This housing also includes a VERY handy threaded hole in the cover that allows you to screw a bolt into in order to “pop” the cover off of the housing. Without this, it usually involves a “pry tool” of some sort and a mallet. I’ve used everything from a screwdriver tip to heavy scraper tools in order to pry the cover away from the axles. Breaking the seal of the existing RTV or gasket can sometimes take some persuasion.

Only a few tools are needed for the quick job:

  • Pry bar
  • Basic wrench or sockets to fit the bolt heads on the cover
  • A scraper or surface prep rotary pad to remove the old RTV
  • Some brake cleaner
  • A tube of RTV and some new gear oil.
  • A few rags or paper shop towels

Take your time and think about how much money you are saving by working on your Jeep yourself!

Corey Osborne Co-creator

After 23 years of corporate life, I decided to pursue my passions in the off road industry. Specializing in marketing, visibility, relationship and brand building, and acting as MetalCloak's field marketing representative, I have travelled across the country (quite a few times!) using Metalcloak’s CTI (Corner Travel Index) to educate the off road enthusiast. I have also worked with Jeep Jamboree USA as event staff, to provide additional value and education to its participants. I've been fortunate enough to work with both international as well as domestic media; have attended most of the off-road events across our country; and have driven a wide variety of vehicles. I'm a certified PADI scuba instructor and have a BS in Computer Science.