The American Sand Association(ASA) is proud to share extremely positive news that DUNERS have won an important legal case in the fight to keep the Oceano Dunes open to OHV and camping! The ASA, in cooperation with a number of other OHV groups, worked very hard for this result. The coalition included EcoLogic partners (ASA, ORBA and AMA District 37), Cal4Wheel and SEMA. This coalition was pleased to have Friends of Oceano Dunes, who has been fighting for this riding area for many years, work alongside the partners on separate litigation issues with the same common goal of preserving recreation access to Oceano Dunes SVRA (ODSVRA).
On July 19, 2023, Judge Tana L. Coates of the California Superior Court ruled that the California Coastal Commission exceeded its authority by ordering the elimination of OHV use at the Oceano Dunes SVRA. Judge Coates held that the San Luis Obispo Local Coastal Program (LCP) governs activities at ODSVRA for purposes of Coastal Act compliance, which includes OHV use at the dunes. Under the Coastal Act, the County of San Luis Obispo has exclusive authority to enforce and/or amend the LCP. The Coastal Commission, acting on its own, cannot do so.
The ASA is extremely happy to share this news – this is a time to celebrate a WIN at OCEANO! The ASA works hand-in-hand with EcoLogic partners and other advocacy groups on multiple legal matters when it comes to Oceano Dunes and other riding areas, on and off the sand. The goal is always the same: to keep amazing riding areas open for duners and off-roaders to enjoy.
A big THANK YOU to all of our supporting members – without your support, legal wins like these do not happen! The fight persists, let’s keep the momentum going …
If you are not a supporting member of the ASA (or other members of EcoLogic partners), please consider joining our fight by visiting www.asasand.org.
More info about Oceano Dunes: HERE
About the American Sand Association
The American Sand Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the use of public lands for sand sport enthusiasts’ use, improving OHV safety, and promoting responsible land use. For over 20 years, our enthusiast-based organization has worked tirelessly to “Unite, Inform, and Mobilize” the sand dune community to recreate in a responsible and environmentally friendly manner. We have always supported the best available science, proactive resource management, common sense law enforcement, and extensive visitor education. With a rich history in keeping and getting land back for OHV users, including returning 40,000 acres back to OHV use in the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA), the ASA team is at the forefront of fighting for your right to ride on public lands. Many of our members and leadership team have a rich history enjoying the sand sport, and we rely on the financial support of businesses and individuals who enjoy our beloved sport with family, friends, and newcomers alike.
Find out more about the ASA on our website at www.americansandassociation.org. Join us in the conversation on social media by joining our ASA group on Facebook, following our page on Facebook, or following us on Instagram.