ModernJeeper - News about Jeeps, Jeeping and Jeepers
The ModernJeeper Show, Ep. 84 – A Truly Random Show In Amarillo, The Palo Duro Challenge and Our First Ever Podcast Contest The ModernJeeper Show, Ep. 84 – A Truly Random Show In Amarillo, The Palo Duro Challenge and Our First Ever Podcast Contest
Hello ModernJeepers welcome to Episode Number 84 of The ModernJeeper Show… the show about Jeeps, Jeeping and Jeepers. This week Matson, Corey and Jessy catch up... The ModernJeeper Show, Ep. 84 – A Truly Random Show In Amarillo, The Palo Duro Challenge and Our First Ever Podcast Contest

Hello ModernJeepers welcome to Episode Number 84 of The ModernJeeper Show… the show about Jeeps, Jeeping and Jeepers.

This week Matson, Corey and Jessy catch up about some truly random things… from the Amarillo Cadillac Ranch to a JK stuck on a SoCal Mountain Bike Trail, the Rise and Fall of the Nikola Trucking Company, The Social Dilemma, an AI Focused Future, Corey’s New Nanny Watch and Facebook Reading Jessy’s Mind.

Then Corey announces the rules of our first ever Podcast Giveaway which includes listening to each episode for the keyword – saving it and then using all the keywords to enter for the drawing. We will have an amazing package of products and goodies including having you on the show!

By the way, don’t forget to listen how you can Win a ModernJeeper swag pack right now!

As always, ModernJeeper is extremely grateful to our supporters including Warn WinchesRaceline WheelsBestopMilestar TiresRugged Radios, KMS Adventure Racks, and, of course, Metalcloak.

ModernJeeper Podcost Logos Rugged Radios Warn Metalcloak Milestar Bestop Raceline

So, sit back, relax with a cold one, and enjoy Episode number 82 of The ModernJeeper Show…

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Helpful Links…

Contest Rules..

  1. Each Episode from #84 to #88 will have a single keyword you must make note of (5 Total Keywords).
    1. Note that the keyword MAY be removed from the episode after one week and we reserve the right to change a keyword somewhere in any episode, so you must listen to each one. 😉
  2. After Episode #88 we will provide instructions on what to do with those keywords.
  3. Each individual who completes that task will be entered for chance to win the prize package.
  4. We will select a random winner on Episode #89.
  5. That winner will be invited to join us on Episode #90 where we will reveal what the prize package is.




ModernJeeper is a collection of amazing off road enthusiasts and Jeep lovers coming together to bring you cool stories, great tips and awesome reviews.

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