Let’s Keep Our Trails Clean! Hold My Beer…
Lifestyle June 6, 2020
Weekends on the trail are a blast. There is nothing like waking up to the cool summer air, removing the doors, top, and loading down the cooler with the day’s goodies. All too often I see rigs on the trail and see the driver with a can of beer... Read more
Don’t Fear the Darkness — Quake LED Headlights
Product Reviews November 7, 2018
LED Darkness Absorbers Lights do not emit light, they absorb the dark. Electronics work on the “Smoke” theory that if they let their smoke out, they stop working. Lights then work on the theory that they absorb the darkness. When they have absorbed all that they are able to,... Read more
Go Overlanding – The Modern Adventure Returned
Lifestyle September 21, 2018
What is Overlanding? “Overlanding” is best known as vehicle-based travel over land to remote places where the journey or adventure is the primary goal. Today when we think of overlanding, we think of people packed into a modern-day adventure rig that can hold all of our camping supplies, food... Read more
[Video] Factor 55 Closed System Winching
Product Reviews September 12, 2018
Winching Safety with the Closed System Safety first when winching! If you get hit by a broken winch hook or cable, it could ruin your day – or worse. Search YouTube for broken winch hook’s or line videos, and you will find more than you can watch in one... Read more
Currie Jeep Beef: Upgrading My TJ to Currie F9
Product Reviews September 5, 2018
Are You Ready to Beef Up Your Axles? Have you ever wondered how long it would take before you replaced the rear end in your Jeep? For us, it was about 10 years. Jeeps come from the factory with either a Dana 35 or 44. How long it will... Read more
Fix Your Trail Communication Woes with Rugged
Product Reviews August 29, 2018
Note: This article is a product review (with radio mounting tips) that does not cover the FCC licensing requirements in-depth or how to be a HAM operator. The Editors Staying in Touch Have you ever had that moment on a ModernJeeper trip when you just wanted to throw out your... Read more