Revealed! 6 Secret Tips for Sitting at the Land Use Table
Land Use Updates November 26, 2019
USUALLY OUT-NUMBERED AND ALWAYS UNDER THE LIGHTS What’s it like at the land use table? Sitting there under the hot lights of the meeting room, “Joe the Wheeler” perspired while gritting his teeth and tapping his booted foot. He was frustrated. As a club delegate he had volunteered... Read more
Alert! Thief on the Loose! Crown Jewels Missing
Lifestyle November 19, 2019
Who Stole Our Crown Jewels? What do these have in common: the Rubicon; Utah’s Escalante; Glamis dunes; Death Valley’s Surprise Canyon; the Mojave; and Yellowstone National Park? Well, first of all, they ARE our Crown Jewels of motorized recreation. Secondly, they’ve been stolen (or are nearly in the hands... Read more
4 Fundamental Steps of Basic Supervision of Volunteers
Lifestyle October 26, 2019
Basic Supervision of People and Volunteers Strong, solid, organized supervision of people, especially volunteers will ensure your cause or project is a success. In this article, I will explain the military and the fire service simple four step process for successful supervision: • Plan • Organize • Direct •... Read more
[pics] It’s Time! Step Up and Lead Volunteers
Land Use UpdatesLifestyle October 15, 2019
Inspire, Motivate, Facilitate – and Organize In our Jeeping, volunteer world there’s a trick to leading volunteers. We do not wear rank and cannot scream orders like we’re in the military. We need to learn to be more nurturing and coaching, while still getting things done. Here’s some magical... Read more
It Is Time to Cross the Rubicon NOW!
Land Use Updates October 8, 2019
LET THE DIE BE CAST! Julius Caesar had just delivered a major ass-whupping. He had been fighting in the Gallic wars against 3 million Gauls who were just as strong as the Romans militarily. Even so, Caesar managed to annihilate 1 million Gauls, enslave another million, subjugate 300 different... Read more
Important! The “Top 10” In Land Use and Access
Land Use Updates October 1, 2019
Take this Nationwide Survey to Help Save Trails By Del Albright and Todd Ockert The room was packed with wheelers as the speaker up front tried to calm folks down. There was a gate being proposed on a significant trail and people were unhappy. “Why does anyone care about... Read more
4 Steps to Forming State Level Motorized Councils/Groups
Land Use Updates September 18, 2019
SAVE THE DAY WITH A STATEWIDE MOTORIZED RECREATION COUNCIL/GROUP! Overview The solution to a positive future for motorized recreation lies in more unity among users. Statewide cooperation and coordination between different modalities (like dirt bikes, 4×4, atv, utv, etc.) are key to ending the dauntless onslaught of anti-access propaganda... Read more
Caution! Never Underestimate Your Opponents
Land Use Updates September 17, 2019
Learning to not underestimate your opponents is one of the best ways to preserve our land use and access interests. All motorized recreation organizations are fighting daily to do this, but we must do our individual part also. Never assume our opponents will understand the variety of our motorized... Read more
5 Tips for Dealing with Compromise in Land Use
Land Use Updates September 14, 2019
They Wouldn’t Compromise. Why Would You? Our forefathers did not want to compromise with our liberties. They didn’t want our country founded on compromise. To compromise means to give up something. In their case, they were building something, not giving up something (other than oppression). But if you’re new... Read more
What Makes a Good Day in the Land Use World?
Land Use UpdatesLifestyle September 10, 2019
A Bit of Philosophy to Help You Choose and Allow How Your Day Goes In the fight for access to public lands, it’s not always easy to have a good day. It seems we’re always in an uphill struggle or arguing objectively with someone who lives on emotional pleas.... Read more