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All Breeds Jeep Show & Tour! All Breeds Jeep Show & Tour!
This year’s 20th Annual All Breeds Jeep Show in York, Pennsylvania ( proved that events properly planned will continue to grow! PA Jeeps Inc.... All Breeds Jeep Show & Tour!


This year’s 20th Annual All Breeds Jeep Show in York, Pennsylvania ( proved that events properly planned will continue to grow!

PA Jeeps Inc. is a local, non-profit, educational organization which strives to protect everyone’s right to use public lands, not only for safe off-highway driving but also for hiking, horseback riding, camping, etc.

Established in July of 1992 by a small group of friends. Today, our “friends” have exceeded the 115 mark and we are continually growing. We are funded by membership dues, fund raising events and contributions. We are governed by a Board of Directors, which serves without compensation, and a staff of Officers. You can also find them on Facebook at:

But…I got ahead of this journey…but I know I am headed in the right direction!



On the way from Colorado to York, PA and eventually Brick, New Jersey we stopped for an open house event at Mount Zion Offroad, located in York


These guys are great and do so awesome work…in fact, stay tuned for a write up on their electric jeep build! You can find them on Facebook at Mount Zion Offroad. And yes, they even had a fire breathing rooster!





PAJEEPSmtzion4 PAJEEPSmtzion5


Mike and his crew can handle any off your build needs! Check out their website at Mount Zion Offroad.


Dirt & Rock Driving Course – RTI Ramp Challenge – Slow Crawl Competition – New Jeeps on Display Vendor & Swap/Meet Areas – Family Activities Area – Vehicle Recovery & Driving Demonstrations Direct Manufacturers Advice – New Friends – Food, Camping and more!

Its a very busy two days of Jeep and industry socializing and learning!

Saturday – July 18th

7:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Jeep Registration Open

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Vendors & Swap/Meet Open for Business

10:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Course open to Vendors ONLY

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Obstacle Course Demonstrations

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Vehicle Judging with your PEER owners

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Obstacle Course OPEN to ALL Jeeps

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

RTI Ramp Competition

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Slow Crawl Challenge

Approx. 4:00 PM

Winch & Event Prize Giveaway Drawing

Sunday – July 19th

7:00 AM – 11:00 AM

1st Place Trophy Winners Staged for Parade

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Obstacle Course OPEN

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Vendors & Swap/Meet Open for Business

8:00 AM – 10:00 PM

RTI Ramp – Amusement ONLY(MAYBE)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

“Parade of Jeeps” Awards Ceremony

4:00 PM

“GOLDEN” Raffle ticket Drawn

4:05 PM – 5:00 PM

Event Ending Raffle of Merchandise

How prepared is your rig? We spotted this one and think that we might not carry enough “emergency” items. What do you think?



The hundreds of unique vehicles we see at this event and the many various builds is just something to see…you can spend both days just looking through the show vehicles…but don’t forget there is a huge vendor area as well! This is a selling show, meaning there are great deals to be had along with a very large swap meet area where you might find that hard to find part you need!


Check out some ariel footage shot by Keith Newman on his You Tube video: 2015 All Breeds

Make sure you stay hydrated and out of the direct sun as best you can though…this time of year in Pennsylvania can be extremely hot and fact both days of the event was under a heat advisory, and it’s no joke…I can tell you first hand!

On Monday we headed over to Brick, New Jersey to meet up with Mike Nadel and his crew from Globex Performance, and on Facebook at Globex Performance at the local Quaker Steak & Lube.




Even on a Monday there was a great turnout of rigs and his customers to test out their flex on MetalCloak’s Corner Travel Index (CTI) Trailer!



Once again, we had the opportunity to spend time with awesome people, see awesome shops and meet many of their customers. The offroad industry and the folks involved in it are simply the best people we have ever been involved with…its nice to know that both sides of this great country share the same concerns and passions that we all have…literally coast to coast! Its was a whirlwind 13 days…and we can’t wait to do it all again!

To see all the pictures from the Tour, check out This Link.




Corey Osborne Co-creator

After 23 years of corporate life, I decided to pursue my passions in the off road industry. Specializing in marketing, visibility, relationship and brand building, and acting as MetalCloak's field marketing representative, I have travelled across the country (quite a few times!) using Metalcloak’s CTI (Corner Travel Index) to educate the off road enthusiast. I have also worked with Jeep Jamboree USA as event staff, to provide additional value and education to its participants. I've been fortunate enough to work with both international as well as domestic media; have attended most of the off-road events across our country; and have driven a wide variety of vehicles. I'm a certified PADI scuba instructor and have a BS in Computer Science.